Stacie Strong Updates will be on her new page, Stacie's Updates, for all of her loved ones to keep up with her treatment and how things are progressing. There are a lot of moving parts and we're very glad to be keeping everyone in the loop. With multiple therapies and doctors, and ever-changing timelines, we thought that this would be the best way to get all the information out to her loved ones.
We have also created a message board HERE for everyone to leave well wishes that Cody & Stacie can read (and reply!) when they have the emotional capacity to do so! We'd really like to encourage people to utilize this, as it gives Cody and Stacie SO much encouragement during difficult moments - your words mean so much!
This is a trying time, for all, but with prayer, love, medicine, and an incredible support system, we know that she can beat this!

Stacie's Story
On September 25, 2020, Cody and Stacie celebrated the happiest day of their life, their wedding day. They pledged their love to each other in front of friends and family, excited for their future as one!
However, life had other plans for the newlyweds. Just ten days after their wedding, Stacie was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer, Triple Negative. This came as a complete shock to the couple; Stacie was only 34 years old, in great shape, and took care of her body with care and wellness in mind.
Due to her young age, the severity of this aggressive and extremely hard to treat cancer, Cody and Stacie dove head first into standard care treatment. Days before Stacie’s first chemotherapy session, the couple decided to freeze Stacie’s eggs in hopes in having a family once their cancer journey was over.
Stacie went all in. She received 20 rounds of intravenous chemotherapy treatments with three different types of chemotherapy agents. This was followed by a double mastectomy in April of 2021, a clinical trial in L.A. at Cedars-Sinai, then in June 2021, 30 Rounds of external radiation. She continued 6 months of oral chemotherapy and had complete reconstructive surgery in March of 2022.
Stacie was deemed cancer-free in March of 2022. The couple celebrated this amazing news and started to plan their post-cancer life.
But soon, Stacie started experiencing chest pressure and shortness of breath. She visited her primary care doctor and her oncologist, both excused the concern and took no precautions. Stacie returned a month later with more complaints knowing something in her body was not right. The doctors hyper-focused on her heart, which was in perfect condition.
It took months, but Stacie finally received a chest X-ray which showed irregularities in her lungs. After two lung biopsies, Stacie was re-diagnosed with Triple Negative metastases to the lungs in July of 2022.
Stacie was stage 4.
Devastated and heartbroken, Cody and Stacie met with her standard care oncologist. She said the cancer was too tough and too far gone and gave Stacie no treatment options. Stacie was given a death sentence.
The couple refused to take this as their fate. Cody and Stacie searched tirelessly for an alternative option, someone or something that would give them hope. They found Doctor Von Schaefer in Southern California who goes beyond standard care by looking at the molecular level and allowing the body to be treated and healed of all things, not just the cancer. Though an immense amount of money and 1,000 miles from home, Cody and Stacie knew they must try this option.
Stacie has now been receiving treatments 5 days a week from Doctor Virginia Von Schaefer since August of 2022. Her primary home is in Oregon with her husband, Cody, but she has been living near the office to receive low-dose insulin-induced chemotherapy, targeted radiation, brachytherapy, and other alternative therapies.
Cody has stayed in Oregon to “hold down the fort” in Stacie’s absence. The couple has never given up on each other or the desire for a beautiful future together.
Stacie feels stronger than she’s felt since 2020! Most recently, Stacie received the best news that she was tumor free and there is no tumor activity in her body!
As insurance does not assist in alternative therapies like the ones that have been effective for Stacie, the medical debt is astronomical. Stacie has lived 6 months past her “expiration date.” She has continued to work professionally during her treatment along with all the work it takes to get healthy. Stacie and Cody continue to believe fully in this process and that Stacie will be able to return home soon!
Though the burden of financial destruction is great, there is no cost that comes close to saving a life.